Category The Tic Tok Men (Band)

“Software Hardware Somewhere Nowhere”

Restored Tic Tok Men from the 80s.Read More

“The House of Mirrors”

They see you in black and white and add the colour in by computer.Read More


The auditory effect of sound waves as transmitted or recorded by a particular system of sound reproduction which reproduce the start of the sound and the end of the sound at the same time.Read More


Old air-traffic radar screens.Read More


A machine shaped like an aircraft designed to be propelled through the air by flapping wings.Read More


This reminds me of something from the past, but I don't know what.Read More


A persistent, irrational fear of not being able to fall asleep which causes an inability to sleepRead More


If a person were to travel in this border area, they aren't really here nor there. They'd just be in this strange area where it's not one place or another. It just is.Read More

“The Best is Yet to Come”

Besseres leben durch binären codeRead More


Now that I'm listening - You're not speaking. And then when you're speaking - I won't be there.Read More